Camp Pixel Project is a 4 day summer camp in The Woodlands. Kids aged nine and older will learn both photography + graphic design. Each summer camp is divided into graphic design and photography classes, so kids get instruction in both arts.

Camp Pixel Project is a 4 day summer camp in The Woodlands. Kids aged nine and older will learn both photography + graphic design. Each summer camp is divided into graphic design and photography classes, so kids get instruction in both arts.
Location: Class Act Productions Studio; 25275 Budde Road, Suite 25, The Woodlands, TX 77380
Camp Pixel Project is a summer camp designed for children aged 9-16 and is located in The Woodlands. Campers will learn both photography + graphic design. Each summer camp is divided into two learning tracks—creative and technical.
Photography classes and photo editing workshops are for adults and teenagers ages 15 and older in the Houston, The Woodlands, Tomball, Cypress, Spring area.
““This was my favorite learning experience ever! I thoroughly enjoyed the class... I am so excited to finally know a little more about photography. I would love to have more classes!” ”
““Camp Pixel is just nice for anyone that wants to enter into the world of photography or design. You start from the basics in case you do not know much about the programs and camera and then arrive at the more advanced features of both design and photography. It is a great way to learn things that you need to start your own business.” ”
"I believe kids (and adults!) should learn the technical aspects and “rules” of photography first. By teaching kids the technical aspects first, they can develop a strong base, which will lead to them becoming truly creative and then learning to “break the rules!” Through hands on activities like photo scavenger hunts and memory games, children will complete the camp excited and motivated to start a lifelong journey in the art of photography." —Tracy Robinson, Camp Pixel Project co-founder
"When working with kids, it is fun to really show them how graphic design is in every aspect of their lives and they don’t even realize it. The cereal box they grabbed for breakfast, the toothpaste tube, the tags on new clothes, the designs on the t-shirt they are wearing–all graphic design. At camp, I will explain what a graphic designer can do as a profession while teaching campers to use Adobe Photoshop as they become a graphic designer."—Jennifer Pickard, Camp Pixel Project co-founder
"Last summer, my sister did Camp Pixel and when she came home she told me everything she did. I was so jealous it seemed so so fun! So this summer, I decided to do Camp Pixel.
CPP is AMAZING, but a successful student comes from an even better teacher, Mrs.Tracy and Mrs. Jennifer are the most awesome and understandable teachers ever!"
– Josephine
How the stars aligned.
Tracy and Jennifer are excited to teach future photographers and designers a skill they will enjoy and possibly learn to love as a profession. Read more about how this journey started.
““I attended Camp Pixel and I LOVED it! You should definitely go! I loved photography before I came but I didn’t know how to use the camera that well but after Camp Pixel, I was a pro! ;)
In graphic design, we made a name tag and a notepad! I didn’t know graphic design could be so fun!
In photography, we learned how to work the camera better and take good pictures. It was really fun to learn in fun ways!
Camp Pixel is the BEST camp ever!””
Great Creative Projects
Camp Pixel Project is designed for children ages 9-16 located in The Woodlands. Summer camps are divided and instruction is differentiated between the older and younger campers